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festivalskim prostorima stare
Tvornice duhana u Rovinju
odrzan je 6. Weekend Me-
dia Festival, najvee regionalno okupljanje
komunikacijske industrije. Iznimno bogati
program u cetiri dvorane privukao je oko
4.000 sudionika, meu kojima i veliki broj
uglednika iz gospodarstva, politike, kul-
ture i zabave iz svih zemalja regije, ali i os-
tatka svijeta. Predavanjem na temu uticaja
drustvenih mreza na marketinske procese
Festival je otvorio je Nikolas Kfuri, profe-
sor COTRUGLI poslovne skole iz Nemacke.
U konferencijskom program ucestvovalo je
vise od 100 predavaca i panelista, a u parti
programu, Diskobajaga i Sergej Trifunovi
sa svojim Moondance Big Bandom. "Iako
ostajemo najvei regionalni skup medijske,
marketinske i PR industrije, ove godine smo
program obogatili panelima i predavanjima
koji zadiru i u neka druga podrucja. Na taj
smo nacin zeleli obuhvatiti sve aktualne
teme koje utjecu na tehnoloski i komerci-
jalni razvoj medija", istakao je Tomo Ricov,
direktor festivala.
U programu panela prednjacile su
rasprave o novim poslovnim modelima na
trzistu telekomunikacija i financijske in-
dustrije, kao i rasprava u kojoj su politicari
i PR-ovci iz regije sukobili misljenja o tome
sto se smije i sto se ne smije u politickoj ko-
munikaciji. Weekend je i ove godine doveo
intrigantne predavace i paneliste iz najveih
svjetskih kompanija: Tom Buday, globalni
sef marketinga kompanije Nestle, Nir Ko-
rzack iz Googlea Izrael i bivsi glavni urednik
Financial Timesa sir Geoffrey Owen.
Jedan od najzanimljivijih panela
ovogodisnjeg festivala, nazvan ,,Regionalni
Benelux", ispunio je ocekivanja poslovne
javnosti, jer su neki od aktera jasno iznijeli
svoje planove u regiji i sire. Miodrag Kosti,
vlasnik MK Grupe, rekao je da bi se najradije
udruzio s najveim proizvoacem iz SAD-a,
ali on nee, stoga mora, kaze, birati lokalnu
djevojku, a to mu je Podravka. No, predsjed-
nika Uprave Podravke Zvonimira Mrsia ne
zanima spajanje, ve je skloniji suradnji u
iskoraku na trea trzista, za sto partnera trazi
i u TDR-u, koji je nedavno otvorio tvornicu
u Iranu. Kosti je uvjeren da sve ide u smjeru
regionalne integracije i da e se to sigurno
he 6th Weekend Media
Festival, the largest regional
conference, has been organized at the festival
premises at the old Tobacco factory in Rovinj.
Extremely rich programme at four halls
gathered around 4000 attendees, among which
were many prominent people from the fields of
economy, politics, culture, and entertainment
from all countries of the region and the rest of
the world. The Festival was opened with the
presentation by Mr Nikolas Kfuri, Professor at
the COTRUGLI business school in Germany,
on the topic "The Influence of Social Networks
on Marketing Processes". More than 100
presenters and panellists took part in the
conference programme, while in the party
programme, the attendees were entertained
by Diskobajaga and Sergej Trifunovi with
his Moondance Big Band. "Although we
remain the largest regional gathering in the
media, marketing and PR industry, we have
enriched our programme this year with panel
discussions and presenters who touch upon
other fields. In that way, we wish to include
all current issues that affect technological and
commercial development of the media", said
Mr Tomo Ricov, Director of the Festival.
The panel discussion programme focused
on discussions related to new business models
in the telecommunication and financial
industries, as well as discussions in which
politicians and PR managers discussed what
may and what may not be done in political
communication. Once more, the Weekend
Festival gathered intriguing presenters and
panellists from the largest world's companies:
Mr Tom Buday, Global Head of Marketing
and Consumer Communication at Nestle,
Mr Nir Korzack from Google Israel, and
former editor-in-chief at Financial Times, Sir
Geoffrey Owen.
One of the most interesting panel
discussion of this year's festival, called
"Regional Benelux" met all the expectations
of the business public, since some of the
participants clearly presented their plans in
the region and beyond. Mr Miodrag Kosti, the
owner of the MK Group, said that he would
like to join with the largest manufacturer
from the USA, but they would not, so, as he
said, he had to choose a "local girl", which is