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ubilarni 20. Festival informatickih
dostignua, INFOFEST, zapoceo
je tradicionalno u svecanoj atmosferi na
terasi hotela Maestral u malom ribarskom
mestu Przno, nadomak Budve, nedaleko od
Milocerskog parka i Svetog Stefana. Ucesnike
je ove godine pozdravio gradonacelnik
Budve, gospodin Lazar Raenovi, a Festi-
val je, nakon nadahnutog izlaganja, otvo-
rio prof. dr Vujica Lazovi, potpredsjednik
Vlade Crne Gore i Predsjednik upravnog
odbora Festivala.
Program Festivala i ove je godine bio
izuzetno sadrzajan. Pored ucesa velikog
broja kompanija i institucija koje su prezen-
tovale svoja resenja, odrzano je i niz konfe-
rencija, XI Meunarodna konferencija o reg-
ulaciji sektora elektronskih komunikacija,
III Menadzment savjetovanje postanskih up-
rava i Internacionalni seminar o dolazeim
komunikacionim tehnologijama (WECT).
Ministarstvo za informaciono drustvo i
telekomunikacije Crne Gore ove godine je
prezentovalo svoje aktivnosti i aktuelne pro-
jekte kao sto je ,,ECDL za digitalnu Crnu
Goru" koji je finansirala Evropska Unija,
zatim ,,Surfuj pametno ­ osvoji Internet" i
,,Portal e-peticije".
Festival informatickih dostignua
pokazao je da su u fokusu ovogodisnjeg IN-
anniversary Festival of IT
achievements, INFOFEST,
kicked off in a traditional official ambience
at the terrace of the Hotel Maestral at a
small phishing village Przno near Budva,
park Milocer, and Sveti Stefan. This year,
the attendees were welcomed by the major
of Budva, Mr Lazar Raenovi, and after
an inspiring speech by Mr Vujica Lazovi,
Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, the
Festival was opened.
The Festival programme this year was
extremely rich. In addition to a large number
of companies and institutions that presented
their solutions, there was a great number
of conferences held: 11th International
Conference on E-communication Regulation,
3rd Postal Services Management Council,
and International Conference on Future
Communication Technologies (WECT). The
Ministry of Information Society of Montenegro
presented their activities and current projects
such as "ECDL for Digital Montenegro"
funded by the European Union, then "Surf
Smart ­ Win the Internet" and "E-Petition
The Festival of IT achievements showed
that this year's INFOFEST focused on the
users. The programme part was opened with
11th International Conference of Regulatory
JISA president Djordje Dukic in conversation with Macedonian Minister of Information Society Ivo Ivanovski