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Prof. dr Vujica Lazovi je naglasio da
su prihvatanjem Memoranduma vlade ove
tri drzave izrazile saglasnost da rade zajedno
na obavljanju pojedinih poslova u razvoju
informacionog drustva i da e Memoran-
dum biti otvoren za pristup i drugim zain-
teresovanim drzavama.
Makedonski ministar za telekomu-
nikacije i drzavnu upravu Ivo Ivanovski,
izrazio je zadovoljstvo potpisanim memo-
randumom, naglasavajui da je dobro sto su
Telecommunications, Mr Vujica Lazovi,
Deputy Prime Minister of Government of
Montenegro and Minister for Information
Society and Telecommunications, and Mr Ivo
Ivanovski, Minister for Information Society in
the Government of Macedonia.
Mr Rasim Ljaji stressed that States
Parties have many tasks in common on
the road to building the IT society and
preparing for the EU accession, and that this
Memorandum will contribute to the greater
interest in the field of investments and general
cooperation between the States Parties.
Mr Vujica Lazovi underlined that by
accepting the Memorandum, the Governments
of these three countries are agreeing to work
together on certain aspects of development of
the IT society and that the Memorandum will
be opened for other interested countries.
Administration, Mr Ivo Ivanovski, expressed
his satisfaction with the signing of the
Memorandum, highlighting that it is good that
the three countries turned to the European
Commission for roaming regulations.
According to his words, there is a wish on
all sides to promote telecommunications
and develop digital literacy of all citizens
along with continuous exchange of ideas and
experience from each state as a way to make a
progress in the process of EU accession.
The honour to close the Festival
went to the company Cikom, which also
celebrated their 20th anniversary together