....but Commerce is money
Dear readers,
As the guests of Reed
Exhibitions, we have
visited Japan, not only
the land of the rising
sun but a country of
technological perfection
and the most beautiful
buildings in the world. Reed Exhibitions organizes 94
exhibitions every year in various parts of the world,
but information technologies still are a special tread
as a modern foundation of economic development.
We start this issue of the InfoReview magazine with
recently finished Japan IT Week exhibition, which
has gathered the largest IT companies from Japan and
the world.
For the second year in a row, the InfoReview
magazine is reporting from the Festival de la
Plaisance de Cannes
, a boat event organized by
the French Nautical Industries Federation and Reed
Expositions France. Spread across the Vieux Port and
Port Pierre Canto Brokerage & Charter area, Le
Festival de la Plaisance de Cannes welcomed a total
close to 50,000 visitors. The Festival de la Plaisance
de Cannes' reputation as the most international boat
show was confirmed with around 50 per cent of
attendees coming from all five continents.
For twenty consecutive years, InfoReview has
participated at INFOFEST, which this year
celebrates an anniversary. The Union of ICT Societies
­ JISA organized a special forum at the festival
called Digital Literacy as the Prerequisite for the
Development of Information Society, which served as
an excellent opportunity for presentation of the project
ECDL for Digital Montenegro which is funded by
the European Union and realized within the IPA
programme for 2011. Project partners are Ministry
of Information Society and Telecommunications,
Ministry of Education, ECDL Foundation and EU
Delegation to Montenegro.
On the occasion of anniversary of Atos Srbija,
which celebrates four decades of successful operations
and development, and which today is a part of Atos
Group, Mr Dragan Stoki, CEO at Atos for Serbia
and South East Europe told us a story about success
and endurance. On behalf of the editorial board of
the InfoReview magazine and my personal behalf,
we congratulate the anniversary.
Dubravka Dukic
Postovani citaoci,
Kao gosti kompanije Reed Exhibitions posetili smo
Japan, ne samo zemlju izlazeceg sunca ve zemlju
tehnoloskog savrsenstva i najlepsih gradjevina na
svetu. Reed Exhibitions organizuje godisnje 94
sajma u raznim delovima sveta ali IT - informacione
tehnologije ipak cine posebnu poslasticu kao
savremeni stozer privrednog razvoja. Zato ovo
izdanje InfoRevijew zapocinjemo upravo zavrsenim
Japan IT Week
sajmom koji je okupio najjace IT
kompanije Japana i sveta.
Drugu godinu za redom InfoReview vas izvestava sa
Kanskog festivala uzitka
, dogaaja koji organizuje
Francuska federacija nauticke industrije i Reed
Expositions Francuske. Na potezu izmeu luke
Vieux i Luke Pierre Canto Brokerage & Charter,
,,festival uzitka" je posetilo preko pedest hiljada
posetilaca. Reputacija Kanskog ,,festivala uzitka"
kao najpoznatijeg
meunarodnog festivala
plovila, jos jednom je
potvrena cinjenicom
da je oko polovine
posetilaca doslo sa svih
pet kontinenata.
Dvadeset godina za redom InfoReview je ucesnik
-a, koji je ove godine slavio jubilej.
Jedinstveni informaticki savez ­ JISA bio je
nosilac posebnog foruma u okviru festivala, pod
nazivom ,,Digitalna pismenost kao preduslov
razvoja informacionog drustva". Na forumu je
predstavljen projekat ,,ECDL za digitalnu Crnu
Goru" koji je finansirala Evropska Unija a koji se
realizuje u okviru IPA programa 2011. Partneri na
Projektu su Ministarstvo za informaciono drustvo
i telekomunikacije, Ministarstvo prosvete, ECDL
Fondacija i Delegacija EU u Crnoj Gori.
Povodom proslave jubileja kompanije Atos Srbija
koja slavi cetiri decenije uspesnog rada i razvoja a
koja je danas deo Atos grupacije, pricu o uspehu i
trajanju ispricao nam je je Dragan Stoki, generalni
direktor Atosa u Srbiji i Jugoistocnoj Evropi. U ime
redakcije casopisa InfoReview i svoje licno ime
cestitamo jubilej.
S Postovanjem,
Dubravka Duki