zavrsavaju studije iz oblasti IT-a ali pored
toga informacione tehnologije moraju da
dobiju znacajniju ulogu i u srednjoskolskom
obrazovanju, da bi uopste bilo dovoljno kan-
didata za IT studije, a takoe i u osnovnom
obrazovanju, da bi uopste talenti iz oblasti IT
bili prepoznati i razvili se u tom smeru. Stoga
je neophodno na svim nivoima obrazovanja
istovremeno ii u odgovarajue promene.
Takoe, znanja i vestine korisenja i
uspesne primene novih tehnologija u poslu i
svakodnevnom zivotu predstavljaju nezaobi-
lazne kompetencije u modernom poslovanju
u svim oblastima privrede i javne adminis-
tracije, kao i modernom nacinu zivota. Dak-
le, uloga informacionih tehnologija u obra-
zovanju ne treba da bude orijentisana samo
na unapreenje uslova za stvaranje dovoljno
IT profesionalaca, ve i na siroko podizanje
digitalnih kompetencija. Onaj ko ne zna da
programira nee se zaposliti u softverskoj in-
dustriji, ali ko nema digitalne kompetencije
nee moi da se zaposli gotovo ni u jednom
modernom i perspektivnom preduzeu, niti
e takva preduzea moi da se razvijaju ako
nemaju koga da zaposle.
Pored kapaciteta obrazovnog sistema,
bitno je uspostaviti odreene standarde kom-
petencija, pocevsi od digitalne pismenosti.
Na primer, za mnoga radna mesta u njihovim
opisima stoji ,,poznavanje rada na racunaru"
ili nesto slicno, a sta se pod tim podrazume-
va je u praksi prilicno degradirano. Pojedini
poslodavci zaposlene salju na obuke, ali se
desava da su ljudi prolazili razne obuke, a i
dalje se ne snalaze najbolje sa tehnologijom.
Ovi problemi su posebno izrazeni u javnom
sektoru, gde se generalno cese sreemo
sa problemom usresreenosti na formu uz
nedovoljnu usresreenost na sustinu.
Zbog toga su izuzetno znacajni stan-
dardi koji precizno definisu koje kompeten-
cije moraju stajati iza odreenog formalno
definisanog stepena znanja i kako se te kom-
petencije proveravaju. U oblasti informaticke
pismenosti najpoznatiji takav standard je
ECDL (European Computer Driving Li-
cence) koji se sve vise prihvata i u nasoj zem-
lji. Licno smatram da bi ,,poznavanje rada na
racunaru" trebalo da znaci ECDL sertifikat,
jer tokom vremena koje sam proveo na ovom
poslu nisam imao prilike da se sretnem sa
boljim resenjem.
information technologies must have more
important role in the secondary education as
well in order to have enough candidates for the
IT industry, and also in the primary education
for the aim of recognizing the talents from the
IT field and developing them. That is why it
is necessary to make adequate changes at all
levels of education.
Also, the knowledge and skills of using
and successfully applying new technologies
at work and in everyday life are unavoidable
competences in modern business in all fields of
economy and public administration, as well as
modern way of life. So, the role of information
technologies in education doesn't have to be
oriented towards improvement of conditions
for production of enough IT professionals,
but also to broad development of digital
competences. The one who doesn't know how
to develop software won't find a job at the
software industry, but the one who doesn't
have digital competences won't be able to get
a job at almost any modern and perspective
company and these companies won't be able
to grow if they don't have anyone to hire.
In addition to the education system
capacity, it is very important to set up certain
standards of competences, starting with
digital literacy. For example, requirements
for many jobs include "computer skills" or
similar, and in practice, those skills are pretty
bad. Some employers send their employees on
training, and it happens that some of them
have gone through training and still cannot
cope with the technology. These problems are
particularly evident in the public sector, where
we generally face with the problem of focusing
on the form instead on the essence.
That is why the standards, which
precisely define which competences must
stand behind certain formally defined level
of knowledge and how these competences
are controlled, are extremely important. In
the field of IT literacy the most important
such standard is ECDL (European Computer
Driving Licence) which is becoming more
adopted in our country. I personally think
that "computer skills" should be the same as
the ECDL certificate, because during the time
I have spent at this job, I still haven't had the