Vodic kroz IBM
IBM Portfolio
okalna kancelarija IBM ­ In-
ternational Business Machines
d.o.o. je ove godine trei put
organizovala skup pod nazivom IBM BUSI-
NESS CONNECT - SPRINT 2013 u hotelu
Metropol u Beogradu. Osnovni cilj ovog
skupa je predstavljanje resenja iz IBM port-
folija, kao i prenosenje znanja, trendova i
mogunosti za podrsku koju IBM moze da
pruzi. IBM SPRINT 2013 je okupio blizu 200
poslovnih korisnika, menadzera prodaje,
marketinga, IT menadzera i drugih profe-
sionalaca iz razlicitih industrija.
Osnovna ideja kojom se IBM vodi na
ovom skupu i u svom poslovanju, kao kom-
panija sa najveim brojem registrovanih pa-
tenata, je inovacija.
Savremeno doba donosi promene i
nove potrebe, a ceo svet postaje pametniji,
povezaniji i sve vise instrumentalizovan.
IBM nastoji da omogui klijentima i kori-
snicima da bolje iskoriste informacije koje
imaju, sarauju i uveaju produktivnost,
efikasnije isporucuju usluge i upravljaju po-
dacima i poveaju poslovnu agilnost.
or the third time this year, the
local IBM office ­ International
Business Machines d.o.o. has
organized a conference titled IBM BUSINESS
CONNECT - SPRINT 2013 at the hotel
Metropol in Belgrade. The goal of this
gathering was the presentation of solutions
from the IBM portfolio, as well as transfer
of information on trends and possibilities for
support IBM can offer. IBM SPRINT 2013
was attended by around 200 business users,
sales, marketing and IT managers and other
professionals from various industries.
The basic idea IBM, as the company with
the largest number of registered patents, was
driven by at this conference was innovation.
Modern age brings changes and new
needs, and the world is becoming smarter,
more connected and more instrumentalized.
IBM strives to enable its clients and users to
better use the information they have, cooperate
and increase their productivity, provide their
services more efficiently and manage their
data, increasing the business agility.