bili na raspolaganju za sva pitanja u vezi sa
konkretnim problemima.
Na samom pocetku prisutne je
pozdravio Randolph Moorer, potpredsednik
softverske grupe za Centralnu i Istocnu Ev-
ropu, plenarnim predavanjem na temu Kako
odrzati konkurentnost u eri pametnih teh-
nologija koje je posluzilo kao uvod u brojne
teme ovog skupa.
,,Pametne tehnologije sve su vise sas-
tavni deo kako savremenog nacina zivota
pojedinca, tako i poslovanja kompanija i
funkcionisanja sredjnih i velikih sistema.
Mobilnost tehnologije je dosegla nove
granice, sa 91% korisnika koji sve vreme drze
svoj mobilni ureaj na dohvat ruke. Nevero-
vatnih 2.5 kvintiliona bajtova se generise
svakog dana.
Bilo da je rec o drustvenim mrezama,
mobilnosti, velikoj kolicini podataka ili
cloud tehnologiji, sve pocinje sa korisnikom.
Drustvene mreze nude korisnicima pregrst
informacija, a mobilnost osigurava prist-
up informacijama onda kada su im naj-
potrebnije. To srazmerno podize i njihova
Ono o cemu danas govorimo nalazi
se na razmei izmeu biznisa i tehnologije,
i samo kroz partnerstvo biznisa i IT-a bie
mogue ostvariti puni potencijal ove nove
Nova era pametnih tehnologija
transformise nacin na koji funkcionise
savremeni biznis, a jedna od kljucnih dilema
postaje pitanje kako odrzati prednost. Jedan
deo odgovora je stalna posveenost inovaci-
Kroz stogodisnju istoriju, IBM se uvek
rukovodio svojim vrednostima: posveenost
uspehu svakog klijenta, poverenje i licna
odgovornost u svim odnosima i teznja ka
inovacijama znacajnim za nase korisnike,
IBM, ali i za ceo svet. Puno toga se prome-
nilo za 100 godina, ali ovi principi ostaju i
bie aktuelni uvek. ", istakao je Moorer.
Skup su podrzali i IBM partneri:
Comtrade, CROZ, Ibis Instruments,
MDS, Poslovna Inteligencja, RRC, S&T, SBS
i TeleGroup.
at the Live Demo Arena, where IBM experts
were available for all the questions regarding
precise issues.
At the very beginning, the attendees
were welcomed by Mr Randolph Moorer, Vice
President of the Software Group for Central
and East Europe, who headed a plenary
presentation on the topic Maintaining
Competitiveness in the Age of Smart
Technologies which served as an excellent
introduction into the numerous topics of this
"Smart technologies are becoming an
important part of the modern life of both
an individual and businesses, enabling the
functioning of medium and large systems.
The mobility of technologies has reached
new limits, with 91% of users keeping their
mobile devices close at hand. The amazing 2.5
quintillion bytes are generated every day.
Whether we talk about social networks,
mobility, large amount of data of cloud
technology, everything begins with the user.
Social networks offer the users a plenty of
information, and the mobility provides
the access to the information when they
need it most. That raises their expectations
What we are going to talk about today
is in between the business and technology,
and only through the partnership between
business and IT will it be able to achieve the
fill potential of the new era.
The new era of smart technologies
transforms the way the modern business
functions, and one of the key dilemmas is
the question of maintaining the advantage.
One part of the answer is dedication to
Throughout its century-long history,
IBM has always followed its values: dedication
to the success of every client, trust and personal
responsibility in all relations, as well as strive
towards innovations significant for our users,
IBM, and the whole world. A lot has changed
during the last 100 years, but these principles
remain and shall be followed always", said Mr
The conference was supported by IBM
Comtrade, CROZ, Ibis Instruments,
MDS, Poslovna Inteligencja, RRC, S&T, SBS
and TeleGroup.