8 2
rogram ,,Za zene u nauci" koji za
cilj ima da promovise i ohrabri
zene koje doprinose naucnom
napretku u celom svetu, realizuje se u ok-
viru meunarodnog partnerstva L'Oréal-a i
UNESCO-a, i ove godine obelezava 15 go-
dina postojanja. Kroz njega je od osnivanja
1998. godine do danas podrzano 1.729 zena
iz vise od 100 zemalja, cija istrazivanja u
razlicitim oblastima predstavljaju znacajna
naucna dostignua. Od osnivanja do danas
Nagradama "Za zene u nauci" je ovencano 77
he programme "For Women in
Science", which aims to promote
and encourage women which
contribute to the development of science
throughout the world, is realized through
the international partnership of L'Oréal and
UNESCO, and this years it marks its 15th
anniversary. Since 1998, the programme has
supported more than 1,729 women from
more than 100 countries whose researches in
various fields represent significant scientific
achievements. Since its establishment, 77