sto su slozenost okruzenja, upravljanje
ocekivanjima zainteresovanih strana, tesko
prihvatanje promena, nepostojanje jedinst-
vene metodologije upravljanja projektima,
motivacija ucesnika, resavanje jedinstvenih
problema, komunikacija, upravljanje konf-
liktima, raznovrsnost rizika i velika odgo-
vornost. Upravljanje projektima u drzavnoj
upravi zato treba standardizovati, jer se time
omoguavaju efikasna kontrola budzetskih
sredstava i primena svetski priznatih stan-
darda, kao i usaglasavanje sa trendovima u
privredi, transparentnost rada, proaktivno
upravljanje i planiranje, primena testiranih
resenja i sticanje poverenja meunarodnih
institucija i investitora."
Stoga, kako ona kaze, nikoga ne treba
da iznenadi to sto se kod nas na hiljade po-
laznika upisuje na razne obuke o upravljanju
projektima, sto u privredi deluje na stotine
sertifikovanih rukovodilaca projekata i sto je
oformljeno na desetine funkcionalnih biroa
za upravljanje projektima (Project Manage-
ment Office, PMO). Ovome sada valja dodati
i da su potrebu za unapreenjem znanja i pri-
menom standarda u upravljanju projektima
prepoznale i ovdasnje finansijske institucije
i drzavna uprava. U nasoj zemlji je sistem za
upravljanje projektima u javnom preduzeu
uveden u Telekom Srbija, a ministarstvo
spoljne i unutrasnje trgovine i telekomu-
nikacija uvodi PMO zasnovan na PMI stan-
Predstavnik Atosa je u svom obraanju
istakao da je upravljanje projektima u samom
biu te kompanije, koja je vodea evropska
kompanija za IT usluge i to je ilustrovao
savrseno dobrim primerom organizova-
nja proslogodisnje Olimpijade u Londonu.
,,Atos je svim klijentima pokazao kako
su resenja koja im svakodnevno pruzamo
dobila razmere onoga sto smo uradili na
Olimpijadi. Preko 200.000 sati potroseno je
na testiranje softvera, u IT bezbednosti nije
zabelezen nijedan propust, rezultati sa preko
300 dogaaja objavljivani su u realnom vre-
menu, a upravljanje sistemom akreditovanja
radilo je savrseno bas kao i nasa bezbed-
nosna resenja visokih performansi kakva
integrisemo u resenja za nase klijente".
numerous challenges such as the complexity
of the environment, management of parties'
expectations, acceptance of changes, lack of
specific methodology of project management,
motivation of the involved parties, solving
unique problems, communication, conflict
management, various risks and great
responsibility. That is why project management
in state administration must be standardized,
because it enables efficient control of budged
resources and application of globally recognized
standards, as well as harmonization with
the trends in industry, transparency of the
work, proactive management and planning,
application of proven solutions and gaining
trust from international institutions and
Thus, as she says, nobody should
be surprised by the fact that thousands
of candidates enrol for various project
management trainings which produces
hundreds of certified project managers and
tens of Project Management Offices (PMO).
We should also add that the need for gaining
knowledge and applying project management
standards has been recognized by our financial
institutions and state administration. In
our country, Telekom Srbija is one of the
public companies which have implemented
the project management system, while the
Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and
Telecommunications is implementing PMO
based on PMI standards.
In his speech, the representative of
Atos highlighted that project management
lies in the core of the company, which is a
leading European IT services provider, and
he illustrated that by the perfect example
of organizing last year's Olympic Games in
London. "Atos has shown to all its clients how
the solutions we provide everyday developed
into that we did at the Olympic Games. Over
200,000 hours were spent on software testing,
IT security noted not even one problem,
results from over 300 events were displayed
in real time, and accreditation system
management worked perfectly and so did our
high performance security solutions that we
integrate into solutions for our clients".
As the stimulus for transformation