companies for the production and trade in
She recalled that the electricity market
in Serbia was opened last year for high-voltage
users, this year for middle-voltage, and there
is a possibility that the market for low-voltage
consumers will be opened as of July.
Acting Director of EPS Aleksandar
Obradovic announced that by the end of the
year, the last wave of liberalisation in the
electricity sector will have been completed,
which means that every household, business
and consumer in the territory of Serbia will be
able to choose its electricity supplier.
Obradovic pointed out that the
cooperation with companies such as Alpiq
Central Europe Ltd will enable EPS to benefit
from the knowledge, contacts and market
position that they have, so that the Serbian
electric power industry could become well
positioned on the regional market.
Mihajlovi je podsetila na to da je
trziste elektricnom energijom u Srbiji prosle
godine otvoreno na visokom naponu, a ove
godine na srednjem naponu, pri cemu pos-
toji mogunost da se ve od jula otvori trziste
i na niskom naponu.
Vrsilac duznosti direktora ,,Elektro-
privrede Srbije" Aleksandar Obradovi na-
javio je da e do kraja godine biti zavrsen i
poslednji talas liberalizacije u elektroener-
getskom sektoru, sto e svakom domainstvu,
kompaniji i kupcu na teritoriji Srbije pruziti
mogunost izbora snabdevaca strujom.
Obradovi je ukazao na to da e sarad-
nja sa kompanijama kao sto je ,,Alpiq Central
Europe Ltd" omoguiti EPS-u da iskoristi
znanje, kontakte i pozicije na trzistu koje one
poseduju kako bi se srpska elektroprivreda
dobro pozicionirala na regionalnom trzistu.
EPS to become
participant in
electricity trade on
European market
EPS postaje ucesnik
u trgovini strujom na
evropskom trzistu