7 6
ro. Takoe jedna od veih barijera za razvoj
inkubatora na podrucju zapadnog Balkana je
nedostatak duha preduzetnistva i nerazvijen
mehanizam obezbeivanja kako pocetnog
tako i rizicnog kapitala. Usluge koje pruzaju
inkubatori su klijentima (stanarima) esto
preskupe ili nedovoljno prilagoene njiho-
vim potrebama. Firme koriste servise dok
su besplatni, ali ih izbegavaju kada su na ko-
mercijalnoj osnovi. Domai javni sektor za
promovisanje preduzetnistva nema resurse
da podrzi takve usluge. Shodno tome, kada
meunarodne subvencije prestanu, poslovni
centri se ili zatvoraju ili pokusavaju da preus-
mere svoje usluge prema firmama koje su u
stanju da plate trzisnu cenu ili na donatore.
Resenje za odrzivost poslovnih inku-
batora u zemljama u razvoju
Bez obzira na probleme broj poslovnih
inkubatora u zemljama u razvoju se ubr-
zano poveava i taj trend e se nastaviti i u
budunosti. Olimpijski krugovi predstav-
ljaju sinergiju odgovornih subjekata, za raz-
voj politike, tehnicke infrastrukture, ok-
vira funkcionisanja i inicijalnih finansijskih
sredstava i jedan od sistemskih pokazatelja
da li je funkcionisanje biznis inkubatora
akcelerator razvoja start up kompanija.
research, education and innovation. Today,
the interactions between universities and
research institutions, that used to connect the
whole region, are being regained, but it is a
slow process. Also one of the major barriers
to the development of incubators in the
Western Balkans is the lack of the spirit of
entrepreneurship as well as the undeveloped
mechanism of providing both initial and
venture capital. The services provided by
incubators are often too expensive to customers
or insufficiently customized to their needs.
Companies use services while they are free but
avoid them when they become commercial.
Domestic public sector for entrepreneurship
promotion does not have the resources to
support such services. Accordingly, when
there are no more international subsidies, the
business centers either close down, or try to
redirect their services to companies that are
able to pay the market price, or to donors.
A solution for the sustainability of
business incubators in developing countries
Regardless of the problems, the number
of business incubators is rapidly rising in
developing countries, and this trend will
be continued in future. The olympic rings
represent the synergy of subjects responsible
for development of
politics, technical
inf ra str ucture,
f u n c t i o n i n g
assets, and are
one of the system
indicators if the
business incubators
is the accelerator of
the development of
Interakcija izmeu drzave i stakeholder-a
Drzava je po svim pokazateljima, kako ispitivanjima, tako i primerima dobre prakse u rezvijenim
zemljama, cinilac broj jedan za stvaranje optimalnih uslova za razvoj sektora MSP-a, opstajanja
START UP preduzea, pa samim i tim i funkcionisanje poslovnih inkubatora. Usaglasavanjem
zakonskih regulativa, formiranjem institucija koje profesionalno i odgovorno prate rad inkubatora,
omoguavajui im kroz olaksan sistem finansiranja i infrastrukture) da stvore odrzivost, je prvi
neophodni korak.
Osnazivanje veze izmedju Univerziteta i inkubatora
Unapreenje akademskog
znanje i nove tehnologije su pokretaci nove globalne
Transfer tehnologija
Transfer tehnologija od univerziteta ka privredi predstavlja
kreiranje novih industrija i proizvoda
Regionalni ekonomski razvoj
Naucna istrazivanja na Univerzitetu i upravljanje
inovacijama i znanjem su kljucna kako za globalni tako i
za regionalni razvoj
U zemljama u razvoju veinu inkubatora finansira drzava. Meutim i dalje nije jasno kako
drzavatrosi novac na inkubatore, narocito ako se uzme u obzir da je veina fondova za
osnivanje, promociju i razvoj inkubatora integrisani sa ostalim programima finansiranja kroz EU
strukturne fondove i regionalne fondove za razvoj. Alternativni izvori finansiranja (Seed
capital,Start-up capital, Venture capital, Angel networks) predstavljaju izuzetan instrument za
odrzivost inkubatora, a takoe i njihovih stanara.
Jasno je da biznis inkubacija postaje sve znacajnija kako u industrijalizovanom svetu tako i u
zemljama u razvoju. Uloga inkubatora je takva da utice pozitivno na lokalno ekonomski razvoj.
Postavlje se pitanje da li inkubatori uopste i treba da budu odrzivi? Drzava treba i dalje u
jednom delu da subvencionise inkubatore, jer su ve deo infrastrukture namenjen napretku i
akceleraciji razvoja Start up firmi kao stanara inkubatora. Samim tim njihov broj e nastaviti da
usluge podrske
and initial financial assets, and are one of the system indicators if the functioning of business
incubators is the accelerator of the development of start up companies.
The interaction between government and stakeholders
The government is by any measure, according to researches and the examples of good practice
in developed countries, the most important factor responsible for creating optimal conditions for
the development of the SME sector, for the survival of start up companies, as well as for
functioning of business incubators. Harmonizing legal regulations,as well as founding institutions
that professionally and responsibly monitor the functioning of incubators, by helping them to
achieve sustainability through easier system of financing, are the initial necessary step.
Strengthening the interrelations between universities and business incubators
Improving the academic
Knowledge and new technologies are the initiators of the
new global economy
Technology transfer
Technology transfer from university to economy is the
creation of new industries and products
Regional economic development
Scientific researches at university as well as managing the
innovations and knowledge are key factors for both global
and regional development
In developming countries, most incubators are financed by the government. Nevertheless, it is
still not clear how the government spends money on incubators, particularly when having in mind
that most funds for foundation, promotion and development of incubators are integrated with
other financing programs through EU structure funds and regional development funds.
Alternative sources of funding (Seed Capital, Start-up Capital, Venture Capital, Angel Networks)
represent an extraordinary instrument for the sustainability of the incubator, as well as their
It is clear that business incubation is becoming increasingly important in both the industrialized
world and in developing countries. The role of incubators is such that it has a positive effect on
local economic development. The question is whether incubators in general should be
sustained? The government should continue to subsidize incubators since they are already an
integral part of the infrastructure designed for progress as well as for the acceleration of the
Private sector,
mentoring, non-
financial politics
support services