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Olimpijski komitet Srbije i kompanija Atos potpisali su
Ugovor o partnerstvu kojim je Atos postao deo sponzorskog
pula OKS ,,MI SMO TIM RIO 2016"
The Olympic Committee of Serbia and the company Atos have
signed a Partnership Agreement which makes the company
Atos a part of the sponsors pool of the OCS "WE ARE THE
TEAM ­ THE RIO 2016"
govor o partnerstvu, sa
predsednikom Olimpi-
jskog komiteta Srbije
Vlade Divcem potpisao
je Dragan Stoki, direktor Atos Srbija u
prisustvu reprezentativaca Srbije.
,,Cast mi je i zadovoljstvo da pozelim
kompaniji Atos, top partneru Meunarodnog
olimpijskog komiteta, dobrodoslicu u olimpi-
jsku porodicu Srbije. Podrska jedne ovakve
svetski priznate kompanije svakako mnogo
znaci nasim sportistima i daje dodatni mo-
tiv da pruze najbolje za Srbiju. Posebno mi je
drago sto se nasem sponzorskom pulu ,,MI
SMO TIM RIO 2016" prikljucila kompanija
sa bogatim olimpijskim iskustvom koja deli
nase ciljeve i vrednosti. Iako smo na samom
pocetku, verujem da e se nasa saradnja real-
izovati na obostrano zadovoljstvo i da emo
se na Olimpijskim igrama u Riju 2016. za-
jedno radovati medaljama nasih sportista",
porucio je predsednik OKS Vlade Divac.
Povodom saradnje sa OKS, Dragan
Stoki, direktor Atos Srbija rekao je: ,,Izuzet-
na mi je cast i zadovoljstvo sto sam u prilici
da u ime kompanije Atos ozvanicim sarad-
nju sa Olimpijskim komitetom Srbije, koji
za nas predstavlja olicenje dobre energije,
zdravog duha i velikog potencijala sporta
u Srbiji. Voeni dugogodisnjom uspesnom
saradnjom kompanije Atos i Meunarodnog
olimpijskog komiteta, zelimo i na naciona-
lnom nivou da damo svoj doprinos raz-
voju sporta i promociji pravih vrednosti u
he Partnership Agreement
was signed by the Mr
Vlade Divac, President of
the Olympic Committee of
Serbia and Mr Dragan Stoki, CEO at Atos
Serbia, in the presence of the Serbian team
"It is an honour and pleasure to welcome
Atos, a top partner of the International
Olympic Committee, into the Olympic family
of Serbia. The support from such a world
renowned company is definitely significant for
our athletes, providing an additional motive
to give their best for Serbia. I am particularly
pleased that a company with vast Olympics-
related experience and which shares our
goals and values joined our sponsors pool
Although we are at the very start, I believe that
our cooperation will be implemented to the
mutual satisfaction and we will celebrate the
winning of medals at the Olympic Games in
Rio in 2016," said Mr Vlade Divac, President
of the OCS.
On the occasion of cooperation with the
OCS, Mr Dragan Stoki, CEO at Atos Serbia
said: "It is a great honour and pleasure to be
able to announce the cooperation with the
Olympic Committee of Serbia, which for us
represents a reflection of good energy, healthy
spirit, and a great potential of the sports
in Serbia. Guided by long term successful
cooperation between the company Atos and the
International Olympic Committee, we want
to give our contribution to the development of